Resensitization: Coming Back to Life after Trauma

Have you ever suffered a traumatic event that left you feeling numb, isolated, and unable to feel joy? If so, you are not alone. Trauma can leave us feeling frozen and disconnected from the world around us. Thankfully, there is a process known as resensitization that can help us come back to life after trauma. In this medical guide, we will discuss what resensitization is, how it works, and why it is an important step in recovering from trauma.

What is trauma?

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. It can be physical, emotional, or psychological. Trauma can occur in response to a single event or multiple events. Some people may experience trauma as a result of witnessing violence, natural disasters, car accidents, or physical abuse. Others may experience trauma due to long-term exposure to difficult situations, such as living in a war zone or being the victim of human trafficking. No matter what form it takes, trauma can have a profound impact on our lives.

What is resensitization?

Resensitization is a process that helps us recover from trauma. It involves slowly and carefully reintroducing ourselves to the things that we have been avoiding because they remind us of our trauma. For example, if you were in a car accident, you may avoid driving or riding in cars. However, as part of your resensitization process, you would slowly and carefully begin to drive or ride in cars again. 

Why is resensitization important?

Resensitization is important because it helps us recover from trauma. It allows us to slowly and carefully reintroduce ourselves to the things that we have been avoiding. This process can be difficult and scary, but it is an essential part of recovering from trauma.


What are the steps of resensitization?

There are four steps to resensitization that can help us recover from trauma

Step One: Preparation

Preparation involves learning about trauma and its effects on our lives. We need to understand what we are dealing with before we can begin to heal.

Step Two: Gradual Exposure

Gradual exposure involves slowly and carefully reintroducing ourselves to the things that we have been avoiding. We need to take baby steps and go at our own pace.

Step Three: Processing Feelings

Processing feelings involves talking about our trauma and its effects on our lives. We need to express what we are feeling in order to begin to heal.

Step Four: Integration

Integration is the final step of resensitization. It involves putting our trauma into perspective and learning to live with it. We need to learn how to cope with our trauma so that it does not control our lives.


Trauma can be a deeply distressing and disturbing experience. It can leave us feeling numb, isolated, and unable to feel joy. Thankfully, the process of resensitization can help us come back to life after trauma. If you're considering resensitization as a solution for you, then it's a good idea to speak with a doctor first.

If you’re struggling with feeling numb and isolated after trauma, trauma therapy can help. Please contact us to set up a free consultation.


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